Practice areas

Litigation and Arbitration

We defend the interests of our clients in their business relationships, against third parties, or before the authorities that regulate and/or supervise them.

The litigation team advises and sponsors our clients in bankruptcy proceedings, administrative appeals (before federal, local and municipal authorities), federal and common law proceedings in multiple matters, including amparo proceedings.

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Casos de éxito

The Firm distinguishes itself for representing our clients in a wide range of matters of various natures and a high degree of complexity.


The awards we have received support our dedication to excellence in every practice area.


We distinguish ourselves for having a multidisciplinary team and our ability to provide different dispute resolution alternatives for the benefit of our clients.

We provide a comprehensive service that covers strategic planning, the design of pre-litigation and litigation legal strategies, as well as the resolution of disputes before the competent administrative and judicial authorities.




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October 8, 2024
El 28 de diciembre de 2023, se publicó en el Diario Oficial de la Federación un Decreto que introduce reformas significativas a la Ley del Mercado de Valores y a laLey de Fondos de Inversión (Reforma). Estas modificaciones buscan modernizar el mercado bursátil mexicano, proporcionando mayor flexibilidad y herramientas que crean un entorno más accesible y dinámico para todos los participantes. La Reforma no solo facilita el acceso al mercado de capitales, sino que también establece nuevas responsabilidades para intermediarios y reguladores, impulsando un mercado más competitivo y transparente. Comprender estas nuevas normativas es esencial para que todos los actores del mercado puedan adaptarse y aprovechar las oportunidades que ofrecen.
October 4, 2024
The Plenary of the Federal Judiciary Counsel informed, through its Circular number 20/2024, that the dialogue tables with the judges and employees of the Federal Judicial Branch continues, therefore, it determined to continue with the suspension of the jurisdictional activities and judicial terms for cases processed in federal courts and administrative areas until October 11, 2024.
September 30, 2024
On September 18, 2023, the Ministry of Energy ("SENER") published in the Official Gazette of the Federation the Resolution that modifies the rules that establish the goods whose import and export is subject to regulation (the "Resolution"), with the aim of updating and simplifying the procedure for obtaining the permits for the import and export of hydrocarbons and petroleum products, as well as including a catalog of specifications that contains the composition and physicochemical properties of such goods.